Almost every business owner would like their employees to be more engaged in their jobs. Studies show that we have lots of lost productivity by workers being on the internet, cell phone or just being occupied with non-work issues.
While it is impossible to completely eliminate all of these distractions there are things every business owner or manager can do to improve focus, engagement, and productivity.
Ways to get your employees engaged
Here are 4 suggestions to increase the level of engagement for your employees.
1. Set clear benchmarks for each position – the clearer you are on what is expected the better chance that the employee can hit the mark. What are the most important 3 or 4 areas that need to be focused on?
2. Find out what is most important to each of your employees and find a way to tie the company’s goals to theirs. Help them to see that if they hit the benchmarks set it will benefit them!
3. Make sure to give your employees the tools necessary to succeed. That includes training, a good working environment, and support when needed. Ask specifically what could the company do to help them to improve or be more productive. Then implement any changes that are possible.
4. Measure performance and give regular feedback to employees on how they are doing.
- If they are under performing identify the cause and either train them up or if they can’t reach the level of expectations then terminate them.
- If they are performing satisfactorily give them recognition for a job well done.
- If they are performing above expectations, find a way to reward them.
If you implement the above suggestions you will see an improvement in the engagement and productivity of your employees!
Highly recommended
If you know anyone who is suffering or has suffered with cancer I highly recommend Anita Moorjani’s book “Dying to be Me”. It is a great read even if you never had cancer. A truly remarkable story – I met her in Atlanta and she is one of the most peaceful, glowing people I ever met.
Her book contains wisdom and insights that we can all embrace…
We truly live in an information age – there is such an abundance of it available to us. What we need is to start living in an inspiration age. There truly is a shortage of inspired people in our world.
What inspires you?
Can you be inspired from within with an intention – I believe the answer is yes. Choose to be inspired today in everything you do. Your world will be a better place J!
All the best 🙂 – Joyfully yours, Greg
BE GRATEFUL and spread kindness – it will all come back to YOU!!
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