ISIS, Ebola, Domestic Violence, Political Gridlock….the list goes on.
I am not minimizing any of these issues – but I am also not MAXIMIZING them like the media does either. Our news agencies and our politicians know that fear/bad news sells.
I learned a simple yet PROFOUND truth a long time ago that has served me well! It is simply “What we focus on tends to grow or expand.” If we start down that fear path it grows and picks up speed! Some people say you need to be informed of what is going on in the world.
To that I say become informed of all the good in the world too.
Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Focus and “paying” attention
There are just as many positive things happening in the world today as there are negative ones.
There are hundreds of thousands of volunteers who are helping others every day in our country and around the world. There are billions of healthy people in the world. There are dedicated teachers helping students, there are Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders helping mold our youth – the list goes on and on.
Two questions can influence your choice in regards to the extent you choose to focus on the problems of the world.
- Is there something I can do about this problem? If the answer is no – there is no use worrying or filling yourself with fear.
- If the answer is yes, ask yourself what am I willing to do?
And if you aren’t willing to take action, then quit focusing on the problem.
We can all keep talking about the “problems” and “crisis’s” and continue to amplify them. But make no mistake – a continual intake of negative news takes a toll on your psyche and your energy!
Remember Faith and Fear cannot occupy the same space. Choose one. Choose wisely.
~ Jan Hoadley
From “stressed” to “calm”
I highly recommend that you make a conscious effort to move from “stressed” to “calm”. Decide to choose Faith over Fear. Coming from a place of Faith will keep you in a positive place to help yourself and others.
The people in your life will pick up on that calm.
Decide to come from a place of gratitude and optimism. We have dependable electricity, clean water, good health care, secure shelter, and a thousand other blessings. And finally ask yourself “What can I do to help make this a better world?”
It starts with our family, in our community, and in our work place. And then it expands outward. That’s how our world will begin to become a more loving and secure place.
I am not asking you to make a choice – I am asking you to make a commitment to focus less on the “bad news” and more on the “good news”. I am asking you to decide what you will do to make a positive difference in your family, your work place, and in your community – and then DO IT!
NOTE: Specifics are powerful – some possibilities include:
- I will watch the news every other night instead of nightly
- I will choose one positive thing to share with my spouse/significant other every day (take the time to compile a list)
- I will choose to submit one positive suggestion to my co-workers
- I will listen attentively to the people in my life and will interrupt them less often
- I will visit the hospital or home for the elderly once in the next month
- I will be more patient when I am in line (I have been conscious of this and made a commitment for the last 2 months – just today I got to practice this commitment at the Post Office waiting to mail a package and at Walmart).
And it is getting easier as I practice patience :-)!
Tips of the Day
What brings you great joy and aliveness? Take responsibility for the level of joy you are experiencing. Decide to experience more joy into your life and to become more alive. Live your life less from habits and obligations and more from new thoughts of possibilities and adventures!
Pick one thing that will bring you much joy or help you to feel more alive and commit to have that become a reality in the next 7 days (for bigger projects allow yourself more time, but take the first step within 7 days).
Share this commitment with someone or send me an email and I will follow-up with you in a week to encourage you to take action.
All the best 🙂 – Joyfully yours, Greg
BE GRATEFUL and spread kindness – it will all come back to YOU!!